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State Level Graduation

It's the first time Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Johor(JPNJ) organized a state level graduation, and nine from my school got to experience it.

Again, it's not that we've got our degree, it's just as an encouragement to further work hard and strive for STPM. Basically, it's for those who got 3.33 CGPA and above for trials.

The 9 of us, 3 from Science stream and 6 from Arts stream got invited to this graduation ceremony held  at UniKL, Pasir Gudang. Since it's quite far and there's only the nine of us, to save the bus cost, we took English College(EC)'s bus there as there was still some space left for us :)

As soon as we reached, signed our names for attendance, got our robes, and off went to our respective seats. The Science and Arts stream were separated, and we're a few seats apart as they arranged us according to our CGPA. Gup was fortunate as she had Atiqah next to her and Hephzibah in front. Huda was a seat or two away, while Nanad and I were more seats away. Okay, maybe I should sketch it out.

The VIP came really late, the program was supposed to start at like 2.30pm, but ended up starting at like 3.45pm and of course, going home at about 4pm became 5+pm :/ I was yawning away throughout the whole thing. I was really sleepy. The best part though? There was free WiFi in the hall!

Anyway, picture timeee! This was all before it started. No photo taking was allowed while we're on stage as they were rushing for time.

with Hephzibah and Gup!

Nanad, Atiqah, Huda :)

From Science stream: Wen Fang, Sok Cheng, Chi

There was enough robes this time, since it's the universities', so we got to take an after picture!

Andddd the day ended with jammed up traffic since it was off-work time :/

Thank God for my pretty okay trials results! Gonna do better for STPM :D


  1. OMG. Hahah wen fang was my primary school classmate! :O

  2. Tell me about it D: And Charmaine's friend too (I know her by her chinese name kaifang, I forgot her english name haha) She was my kindergarten best friend and now my classmate for one of my modules LOL

    1. Oh! Is it Klaudia or something like that? Lolol I forgot her name too hahaha

  3. Haha yes yes it's her



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