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Graduation II

I've graduated!..for the second time! (First here)

Most of you might know I have yet to sit for my finals, STPM. So....graduate? It's the third year my high school is doing this graduation ceremony thing(first year was also my batch, SPM year). Basically, I think it's more for the whole experience and like a basic what-to-expect when we really graduate with a degree. And since after our finals, each of us would have either furthered our studies or work or travel and what not, so it'll be hard to get everyone back together. Hence, the graduate-before-sitting-for-finals ceremony.haha

The venue this year was New York Hotel in town, better than my first in school, but of course the cost is more expensive. So, in order to save money, Rebecca couldn't tag along since a guest would have to pay RM50 haha

Mum finally agreed to wear the plain black top with detailed shoulder after I pestered her for countless times. I really like that top! She says she has to keep nice clothes for special occasions, so I guess this event is special enough :P

Booklet with the list of graduates' names.

(A Million Memories Graduation Event)

The VIP was very much on time, worthy of applause. Hate it when the VIPs are 99% of the time fashionably late. Or...maybe she wasn't that punctual. Maybe it's me who didn't take note of the time since we were too busy taking photos hahah

Both mine and Char's faces weren't planned, by the way.

I'm very uncreative when it comes to facial expressions and poses for photos. Therefore, I don't usually take what you call "funny" or just random face photos.haha I'm more of a smiley person, I can't even do the looking-far expression! haha

with Shafiah, Devi and Gup :) (Photo credits to Devi)

(Photo credits to Devi)

(Photo credits to Shafiah)

(Photo credits to Shafiah)

I shouldn't be too selfish, here's two photos without me(which I didn't delete from my folder haha).

Hephzibah and Gayathri

Farahain and Huda

During the VIP's speech, guess what?!! We found WiFi! I whipped out my phone to text baby :D Time passes fast when you're having fun, no? Texting Joe is always fun haha I really don't know what I'm saying, but as soon as I knew it, it was time to receive our certs!

Put on our robes! No hats as this isn't our degree.

Supposedly, we don't have any time to take photos in our robes as everything was moving really quick, but thank God for Charmaine, who wore a blazer with pockets, she brought her camera with her! :)

Time for a quick photo!

Within 5mins, I'm back to my seat! Waited for the Form 5 students to receive their certs, texted Joe again to distract myself from the hunger. Anddddd it was time to eat eat eat!! 

Sorry, you don't get to drool over the food here as I was too busy taking food and eating.haha

BUTTTT! Here's Sago Gula Melaka, as desert :D It's one of my favourite deserts! It's sago with coconut milk and palm sugar. (Shhh! I wiped up most of the mixed fruits that were supposed to be decorations hahaha)

Once I was done filling my tummy, I just wanted to go However, seems like we could put on our robes again for photo taking!!

The reason why we couldn't walk around with our robes is because our school doesn't have enough supply of robes as the school doesn't rent it, but got it custom made. So, not enough money= less robes.

Trying to figure out why my heels doesn't look that tall lol Maybe I should get an even taller one? O.o My feet would break! (Short heels don't look as sexy, you see.hahaha)

Last round of photos was with my teachers!..Only the teachers who teaches me, except Sir Rahilme. He went missing when we were looking :(

Miss Navinder Kaur(Economics) and Puan Florence(History)

Miss Nav is awesome because she's one of the few very dedicated teachers who goes all out for her students. I feel very grateful to have her as my Econs teacher, since she's also one of the best around XD No doubt the tonnes of homework and short tests get to me many times, but she'll go "Do you want your A?" and that'll shut me up.hahah

As for Puan Florence, I like her classes for her stories. As she's teaching History(His story), there'll be some selingan(interlude) between the lessons. Especially when we learn topics like Asian customs and traditions and religions, it can get very interesting. She's a nice teacher as she supplies us with lots of notes, as this subject requires us to read, read and read. Downside would be her mood swings, but that's understandable (and tolerable at times) because of her bone pains.

Puan Radziah(Business Studies)

Honestly, I suck at Business Studies. There's soooo many terms and facts to memorize that are almost the same. Ever heard of the saying 'Same same but different'? Yep, that! I feel bad when I do badly in her class, in fact most people does badly..and when she comes into class with our results with a glum face, soooo guilty!LOL I'll try harder at it lah, I'm sure I can get at least a B+? But I'm hoping at least A- hehe 

Puan Radziah's classes are fun as she's very experienced. She loves learning new things, so she'll tell us her experiences going for classes, sewing, baking and all that. It's very interesting! Too bad up till now, we didn't have the chance to ask her about her studying experience in Canada. What I don't like about her class? The long hours. Somehow the computer that arranges our timetable always seem to give us three periods of her class at one go, and it's at the end of the day. So you know, we'd have been groggy and restless by then :/

Puan Jamaliah(General Studies)

Pengajian Am aka General Studies. Puan Jamaliah can be naggy at times..actually, she used to be naggy. She's been very nice these days! What I felt very touching was the fact that she took the time to find past year questions, cut them out and segregate them according to topics. Say year 1997-2011 for dasar dalam dan luar negara(domestic and foreign policy), perundangan(legislation) and kehakiman(judiciary), stick them in a set of papers and get it photocopied for all of us :')

Puan Gan

Puan Gan is a Biology teacher, so she doesn't teach me. She's the teacher in charge for the Christian Fellowship though, and I'm involved. So, one photo with her! Plus, she's retiring at the end of November. She reminds me a lot of my grandma from my dad's enough said haha

with mum :D

I think I saw my mum kinda teared a little, seeing me take photos with my friends in our robe. In my head, I went "Ma, I haven't got my don't have to be so touched haha", but I didn't say anything lah :P

The graduation turned out slightly better than I expected and I had some fun :) Now it's only like a week till my finals and I should be studying, so...I'll leave in a..



Ps: I don't countdown the days to an exam cz I hate the stress that comes with it.

(All photo credits to Charmaine, except me and mum in the lift & sago gula melaka photos)

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