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Merry Christmas!;)

Stale Christmas post is here here!heh I've been recuperating after LIMA, hence, I've accumulated a few blog posts so I can bombard a few at once.

Okay, maybe not. Anywayyy, wanna see how I look without glasses? (it's rare but not like you haven't seen it before)

Tadahhh! Oooh! My lip gloss looks nice here..

Back with my glasses.

Enough of me and my spectacles.

So, this year, Christmas fell on a Sunday. And my church usually don't have the celebration on the day itself, but the Sunday before or after Christmas. That's probably because pastor wants that special day to be spent among families? Or maybe people would be too busy with their own programmes on that day itself. Therefore, we had our Christmas celebration on the 17th.

Christmas attire of the year!

I knoww, I knoww...I look as if I'm going for some really formal dinner event, but eh! Christmas celebrations in those Western countries are very formal and pretty and satinny okayyy! I just can't accept the fact that the people here always wear so casually or even so messily.

As soon as we arrived at church, it was all about fooooooooooood! The food wasn't Christmassy at all. I mean, yalah, since when was the buffet we ever had was turkeys, no pies, no okay, you get the point.

No photos of the food, was too busy eating and there wasn't much to snap anyway.

Moving on, celebration was about to start, so up we went!

Michelle's friend, Joyce joined us this year, so we needed four seats and just nice, Pearly was with her friend and we didn't need to seat with strangers!

I hate it when my fringe parts like that!

Christmas carols:)

After singing a couple of songs, duh! It wouldn't be Christmassy if there weren't any Christmas songs.. It was drama time!! Some how this year's presentation wasn't really good and it was really short too.

Pearly's dad, Pastor David stalling some time for the youths to get ready

If you do remember, two years back, we had a musical kinda thing of the Nativity Scene(Modern version of Nativity Scene), which was really awesome! But last year, they got lazier a little..or just lack of ideas, but they managed to pull off Les Misérables(Vineyard's-musical version).

This year though, it's like the graph faced a deep It was a musical-like performance too.. No videos this time round. I did take a few short clips, but I'm just too lazy to switch laptops and use the Movie Maker software to combine and upload bla bla..

The story is basically about this man who was in debts to a loan shark, he decided to kidnap a girl whom he didn't know was ill with some expensive illness. After kidnapping, he called her parents only to find out they didn't want her anymore and gave her to him for free.

He felt so bad for the kid, so he ended up taking care of her instead. She told him about Christ along the way and when she grew up, she took care of this old man instead. As for the loan sharks, the police got hold of them, so he's free of debts was over! Pastor Tay gave a Christmas message before the night was over.

with spontaneous interpreter- Aunty Jennifer

As soon as the message was over, we rushed over to the white Christmas tree for photos!!! Honestly, I love and prefer the green ones. But, better than none!

Iris was sooo sweet! In case you didn't know, her mum- Aunty Teresa, is best with handmade gifts, soft toys and basically everything handmade! So, she gave me this small cute toy her mum made for Christmas and a packet of sweet in this pack! :D

The owl was given to kids, but Aunty Teresa told us to quickly grab one each :P Reb said the one Iris gave me is a lookalike toy from Boys Over Flowers..but I can't remember!lol


Gonna buy eyeshadow palettes to learn eye makeup! :D

I know it's kinda late, but MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Hey, there's 12 days of Christmas, mind you!

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