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RAYA Open House

Fayad brought more chocolate cakes and kek lapis for Charmaine and I since we missed it the day before. She's so awesome!

On last Saturday, there was an open "house" in school. And that's what the baju kurung I bought(stated in my previous post) was for:) There!

So, MPPU was in charge of handling the games slot, so Char took the first, which is the newspaper game were you fold it as time goes by and try to not stand outside of it and I took the second, which was scavengers hunt. It was a super last minute thing, but we managed to do well anyway.

Before the party started, we had AGM for the Form 6 clubs. Then, we, the Pentaque people went to practice for the first timeXD

Photo credits to Anis

The food provided wasn't what I expected, the opposite of better, that is. It was Nasi Briyani with Ayam Masak raya cookies or kuih! Hmph!

Some shots after we were done with the games. Oh, the ending Poco Poco dance sucked. BIG TIME!

Runway made up of canteen tables for the fashion show.

What's this suppose to mean? I really don't know.

Gup's "Top Model" shotXD

I decided not to jump.LOL

Didn't get to take more photos with the rest because we were really busy(though we didn't do much...but we just were) and didn't really have the mood.

Nevertheless, I got to wear baju kurung!!! Fyi, it's my 5 years. The last time I wore it was in Std6, which was my prefect uniform. Man, time pass so fast!


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