Social Media

Cutie Pie no more

I'm not in school today but I woke up at 5.45am nevertheless. Probably it's my body clock at work.

I picked up my phone drowsily and touched the Facebook app on my phone. The usual routine..FB app- back- friends- type "Joe" LOL

Okay, you can say I "stalk" him now that I've revealed it here, but I can't anymore starting from just now, when I searched his name.

I was stunned when his profile couldn't be found and I figured maybe FB's a little cranky this morning. So, I went to my profile and find his comments. "Ahh..2 comments, it's still there" or so I thought! Click view comments and I was like a retard talking to myself=.="

DAMNDAMNDAMN! It's either that he deleted AND blocked me or he deleted his account entirely.

If the reason is the former, but....WHY? I haven't been "disturbing" him these 2 weeks whattt... So if he did, he's a plain jerk. But then again, I don't think he did. 

So I came to a few conclusions on why he deleted his account:
1) He got deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan or similar countries, and he figured he should delete it to erase memories of him in case...shoots! Why's this my first reason, again? Sounds really bad. *touch wood*
2) Since he's in military and all, he works for the government and everything has to be private, hence he had to delete his account.
3) He's been so preoccupied with studies, work and military that he thought he should delete it since he doesn't have much time on FB anyway.
4) His new girlfriend made him do it because she feels threatened with other girls this case, ME*smirks*

Okay, the 4th one wasn't what I thought about earlier, but it just came to me.LOL

*sigh* So much for waiting for him to come online and striking up a conversation. Just that one moment when he isn't busy. But I guess, it's all gone now! That tiny little glimpse of hope is all gone now.

I thought FB's chat history was a goner too, but I guess Zuckerberg has heart matters like these too, so it's still intact:)

So, the earliest history I have is June 5th, the week he came back from military training. Dang! I don't have the one of when he was on his way back, still in the bus/some military vehicle, because it was on MSN and I didn't set to save conversation so MSN won't let me retrieve it. Evil MSN founder...whoever that is.

Things we talked about:) Skip this part because it's just for me to reminisce when I feel like it. But I know you'd want to, since it's such a juicy topic(YOU KAYPOH AUNTY!!):P 

- Shopping sprees and being girlfriends(LOL)
- The Friday song and moonblinking people(if you've watched Legend of the Guardians)
- Scene kids
-  His job issues
- Qualification these days
- Being an owl and looking like a panda
- Our phones and creepy Android smileys
- FOOOOOD! like the BBQ chicken with red sauce and Tater tot hot dish!
- His problematic toe from training
- Being hungry
- His girlfriend issues(now, ex)
- Him being an old man and nyanyuk

- My heaps of essays and crazy school life
- Studies

- Duct tape and gum wrapper shoes
- Me being the first Chinese female president of USA
- Winter
- MTV World Stage
- Cycling
- How MSN is a ghost town now
- Lady Gaga
- His cat named Nibbles
- Korean reality shows
- His new bike then
- My MUN event
- Cerebral cortex
- Being sunburned and becoming Latin
- High Five-ing
- His car issues and driving manual car
- My phone's battery problems
- 3D movies and 4D numbers.LOL
- Having a day out to the Harry Potter theme park

- India A Love Story and American Gladiators
- Durians!
- Nuclearfied babies:S
- My class party
- Exercising and yoga
- The Beatles' Let It Be
- Rudolp and the attack of pimples on the nose!
- His friends clogging up his notifications

- My creepy dream of him
- Being a ninja
- Bake, fry, saute
- Latest movies
- Westlife's concert
- His favourite season
- Bak Kut Teh
- Grenades and bullet chains
- My MNG dress!
- His first day at school
- Procrastinating homeworks
- Final Destination 5
- Pimples
- His new laptop and newer RAM
- MUET exam

- Multitasking
- Being caught in between a couple
- Microsoft Excel

That's about it!..and some random ones which are my personal favourite:)

Confusing statements:

Me being the cute oneXD:

Egg McMuffin before more training:

And finally, the last conversation....FOR NOW! (I don't believe I won't talk to him anymore)

Man, this sucks:( Wondering what's with the title? Here:

...when you say cutie pie no more...

No more stalking for me!

It's time to move on and find someone new again. Tyson, sing me that song again. OMG! It's around this time of the year, last year when AAR's Swing Swing came in good use too! Creeeeepeh!

So...WHO'S NEXT? No, not you.

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