Social Media

creepy good GOD!

(no, I ain't swearin' in my title)

I'm supposed to be sleeping now, but I'll hurry and post this entry.

So, I talk to God very randomly. It's like He's my imaginary friend whom I just randomly say something to, but of course He's God lah. Though He doesn't talk back when I say things or ask questions, I'll just rant on and on about anything and everything wherever I am.

Okay, that's not the point but it does have connection to my main point.

So earlier when I was peeing, I spoke "Why won't he start a conversation first like he did when he just came back from the long military training thing?" and I even gave a fraction of when he used to start up first as 3/5. Don't laugh.

After washing my face, applying toner and moisturizer, I came into my room and check my phone for any Twitter updates or new mails. And to my horror(good horror), "good morning" and I was like..
...that I started saying "THAT was creepy. God, you trying to prove to me something? You are creepy gooood!"LOL

It isn't really the first time this had happen actually. There were a couple of times before just now and I did "woahh" just not so jumpy as this time.haha

If you don't believe in MY God, you better nowXD

1 comment

  1. at first i was confused.. i thought GOD sent you the "good morning".. coz you were talking about God and I thought the "he" is referring to Him.. lol



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