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Featuring: unintended Giraffe Themed card


Here's a card I made for Michelle's 21st birthday:) She likes giraffes ALOT, but it wasn't my idea to make a giraffey card. So, I don't know what made her think it looks very giraffey..

All I wanted to make was a Ferrero Rocher themed card since well, she likes Ferrero Rocher and so happened an idea struck me while I was eating it!LOL

So umm..judge it yourself whether the card looks giraffe or not:)

the front

the back!


short note

the 21 years old "key"

with M-shaped teeth

special cd with special people in it:) I'll post it up as soon as it's uploaded on YouTube:)

About the video, it took me a whole lot of patience(and I really mean WHOLE LOT, since my patience level is pretty lowww) to work with her friends. Quite a number of them gave me the videos on time, while some others kept procrastinating and at last..nothing. No doubt, I got quite pissed a few times..especially towards the approaching day I have to hand her the cd, but obviously I can't scold them or anything, right?

Thing is, I gave them about 1 month plus to prepare a simple birthday wish video. And when the deadline was up, I asked for it, some gave and.. some nothing. Waited and waited. Gave a few weeks grace and same a few and others nothing!

The ones(friends, family excluded) I have to salute is Yen Yeo and Wawa, the two firsts who handed me the video BEFORE/ON Chinese New Year. And also, Lilu, Jessica David and Rebecca David whom I informed at quite a last minute..2 weeks before my "push until cannot push already" deadline..and they managed to give it to me:)

Others involved were good too..sporting enough to get involved and on time:) But those that didn't reply my messages are the ones I'm not happy with. I didn't force you guys to join in and I did ask, right? So, I expect you to inform me if you're not interested..and not giving me false hope! Argh! Nevermind.

So, kudos to those who made this video a successful one:)

As for the birthday presents, Reb and I joined $$ forces!! Got her a giraffe tissue box holder, giraffe bedsheet(one lucky buy) and a basket(since she kept saying she wanted one eversince last year)

photo credits to Mic


ps: I kinda regret not taking photos of the countless cards I made previously, for my friends:(

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