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Asylum can't contain us!


FFC finally managed to meet up yesterday(Sunday) at Table Top, a hospital/asylum themed and board game restaurant. This meet up is also as a farewell thing for Meat, Pei Li and Pei Ting who's leaving for further studies.

In Chinese is "Feng Ren Guan" I think..ohh!! Now I get it! It's Mad People's Lockup!LOL

Unfortunately, Sherry and Irene couldn't join us since they were busy with some stuffs. But all is good, we got to catch up with each other's lives!

There, we got to take FFC's Photoshoot Part II aka Criminals-cum-Retards! (In case you missed Part I- The Priests)

All of us were on time, except Meat and Hazel. Meat, I don't know why..but Hazel had to have lunch with her extended family first. Oh! She drove there too!! So awesome!

We placed our order first..too hungry!

We got set meal, which is Main Course + Free Flow of drinks(Peach/Orange) + 2 hours of games.

Oh, there! There! The tardy queen:P I know! She's the celebrated she got to be late this time round.LOL

Pei Li being oh-so-shy:S

I'll come to the decorations at the later part of this post, but here's the eating utensils in a kidney dish. Michelle will dread eating here. Fyi, she hates kidney dishes.

Drinks in a medicine bottle

The bottles are numbered, so it's easier to identify your own

Here's my Chicken Chop with Black Pepper Sauce. The chicken was abit overfried, I bitter taste:S

The chili sauce didn't come in those ordinary bottles, but in the form of syringes!! Kinda cute, but very hard to press.

"Come on out, damn you!"hahaha

Pei Ting's Fried Chicken?

Pei Li and Jie Ying had Spaghetti that were cut soooo short! WTH? 

Jenette's Chicken Chop with Mushroom Sauce

Meat's Fish & Chips!! Her nickname is so contradicting her eating customs:P

I kinda like this photo! Who took this, uh?

Once we were done with filling our stomachs, it was GAMES TIME!!!! There were many board games to choose from, but we wanted something fast and simple since we planned to catch a movie.

Jen brought Bob, her DSLR!:D

The waitress(which I forgot to mention, they dressed in nurse uniforms), recommended Jungle Speed, which was complicating!

She spent so much time time explaining to us how the game was played...

"Oh no, so complicated..can we NOT play that?"

Sooooooo, we ended up playing Twister after the next table left!! Wowoweeee!

That's how our table look beds. That's not our table, by the way.

Pei Ting, the Wheel of Fortune girl!!

Photos of when the crazy fun game was played!

WARNING: Some inappropriate photos as you scroll down!!
update: okay, on second thoughts, I shall not post up the worst of the worst.LOL

What's Pei Ting doing?LOL Kinda reminds me of a rhinoceros hahaha! 

Pei Li looking so demure..but don't be fooled! She isn't like this AT ALL!!hahaha


Got tired playing Twister after 3 rounds, too much stretching for people who doesn't exercise:P We still had time to waste, so Hazel taught us to play Monopoly card game(I forgot the name).

Very confusing game, but once I get the hang of it, should be okay. Thanks for the patience, Haz!;)

Time was running out and it was time to camwhore everywhere! That's when we took the "I'M CRAZY" photos and these..

Playing with the wheelchairs

Noticed anything odd? Her boobs are so high up!LOL

Haz really enjoys acting cacat lah!hahaha

Playing with the props made us late by 10mins for the movie, Ladda Land. Oh, Hazel drove us to Tebrau City, so we saved on taxi fee!:D

It was so hard to find parking since it was a Sunday and it was Father's Day. When we got a parking, Hazel zoomed right in and had some problems with the angle, nearly scratch the car on the left. SCARY!

There! The almost-victim car is the green on next to her car:P

Getting all panicky, with all the instructions "Reverse straight out..err..turn your steering to the right.. ahhh!", she managed to park nicely without banging the car next to hers. Phew! Scary but kinda fun.LOL

Went up to the cinema to get our tickets, but the 4.20pm movie left seats on the first row only! Though it was just nice 7 seats, we opted for bowling at Daiman Bowling in Johor Jaya.

Honestly, though I didn't mind the idea of going for bowling, I was a bit half hearted since the first and only time I bowled was in Form3(2008) for my class party. But I'm glad I went in the end. Because....I WASN'T THAT BAD!hahaha So happy:P Not that good either, but I don't care!

Somehow, I like this photo..

Meat getting her dosage of Pei Li's hair before leaving for studies.LOL

She really does like being a priestXD

I didn't manage to take down my scores for the first few rounds, but this is the 3rd round, if I'm not wrong.

Angel, Mi, Ying

Hazel, President(Jen), Vice President(Meat), Ting

The shoe lady took one side of our footwear to make sure we don't steal her stinky bowling shoes=.="

Can't believe I had such an RIDICULOUSLY FUN outing with FFC mates after holidays..really had a good time, and we should do it again!! USS anyone?:P

Credits to Jenette for most of the photos!


  1. seen a clinic themed restaurant before.. the sight of it is certainly not inviting :P

  2. where's the one u saw?
    haha, this particular one was fairly fine.. no bloody food or slimey mucusy stuffs.LOL



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