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My 21st Birthday

This is a little late, but I'm twenty-one!!!

Turning 21 isn't that much of a big deal in my family cz my parents(read: dad) don't believe in "FREEDOM". My dad went to the extent of being against my mom getting Michelle and now me, key pendants(which signifies giving us the key to freedom) cz he wants us to be under their care till we've achieved something in life =.=" ...not that I want the key anyway.

He doesn't realize that we have our own minds now and I'm definitely not gonna succumb to being a super boring person for half my life.

While I'm all for achieving my goal, I believe in doing things in moderation. I want to have fun while I still can and explore. I want to do things that makes me happy.

To celebrate my birthday, it didn't involve a strip club, alcohol or...friends, but it was all about food and family! Michelle and I drove down to JB for the weekend for my birthday makan session(wasn't even a party haha). In my family, we don't have birthday parties...which is fine..

Total dinner costs RM302

1)Longevity noodles 2)Sambal chicken I think 3)Fried tofu 4)Kangkung belacan 5)Lemon chicken 6)Asam fish which was really good 7)Tofu 8)Nestum prawn

We celebrated my birthday with the usual bunch of people- my maternal side of the family :D It's always happier with them around, probably because they're loud, cheerful and not selfish lol I'll always get to hear "Chiak chiak chiak! Ah Mi, chiak ah" (Chiak= eat). Grandparents, uncle and aunts will keep telling us to eat, afraid we're too shy to take the food...which is NEVER the case hahaha

My smelly sisters! :D

Yes, I hold chopsticks the wrong way lol

Prawnny! Love love!


My awesome uncle and his wife :)

Happy mommy!

While everyone was happy taking pics, my niece, Iris got all manja with her ah ma(my aunt) and my ah ma(her great grandmother)

Thank you, ah ma for the ang pau! $.$ hahaha

It was time to cut cake after having good food! My sisters chose Secret Recipe's Black Forest cake!! MY FAVOURITEEEEEE! I could eat the entire cake on my own, but I like to savour it by keeping it for days and take maybe 5 bites per day LOL

dad lighting up the candles

my dad has bad candles positioning skills :/ my cakeeee though! ❤❤

3 years ago, we got Michelle a party hat for when she blows the candles and to take pics la haha Just had to infuse something different for photos' sake XD This year, I got one too! 

Blocking the candles from the wind lolol

My teeeeeeeth! :/

We distributed slices of cakes to everyone then it's time to take photos! Oh btw, I wished to see Joe more, to travel, to go to the US and get better results lolol

The cousins..except the two toddlers at the back lol

with my youngest cousin, Yu Juin

That's all for my birthday! Not the most exciting thing, but it was good nevertheless :D Went home and whipped out the party packet Michelle bought for the party hat to make use of it at least once hahah

Rebecca was too sleepy, so she went to bed first :/

That's not all I got, I left some in KL

Thanks to everyone who gave me ang pau and presents! Love them all :D It's never too late to get me more :P Thanks for the jeans, the black watch(surprised me like crazy cz the week before my birthday, I wanted to get a black watch), earphone jack, hairdryer set, earrings, travel bath set and island hopping.

My best birthday present was to meet Joe in person. Thank you, Jesus :*

One habit I have got to cut is buying things and telling myself it's a birthday treat for myself lolol I officially gifted myself a Bare Minerals Matte Mineral Foundation. Then I wanted new lipsticks and skin care products and clothes and everythingggg!! And I told myself to take it as a birthday treat LOL I ended up resisting cz my brain said I'll starve from the middle of the month if I were to keep giving myself treats haha

Well, happy birthday to me!

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