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KPP- First step to driving license

KPP stands for Kurikulum Pendidikan Pemandu, not Kyle Patrick

Anyways, KPP is a ceramah(talk) that everyone has to listen to, as the first step to taking a driver's license.

So, I attended it today(after donkey years!) and was given two books to study for the computer test.

I'm supposed to get 42/50 questions correct to pass

The first penceramah(speaker) was Kak Izan. She loves to twist and turn her words to make people confused. So her first question was "Siapa datang untuk ambil lesen hari ini?"("Who's here to take their license today?").

A few raised their hands, while I "analyse" the question, while the few nudged their friends, while the few that was nudge got confused and raised their hands too. My hands remained down.

So, she asked me..and here's the convo:
KI: Kenapa tak angkat tangan? Habis tu, you datang untuk apa?(Why didn't you raise your hand? Then, you come for what?)
Me: Umm..untuk dengar ceramah.( listen to the talk.)
KI: Cerama apa?! Mana ada ceramah? Siapa nak bagi ceramah?(What talk? Where got talk? Who's giving the talk?)
Me:*blur* Ceramah nilah(points to the screen)..Kak Izan lah..(this talk lah..Kak Izan lah)

She smiled and told the whole class, "Sesiapa yang angkat tangan.....korang dah salah kelas!"(Whoever that raised their hands...ya'll are in the wrong class).LOL

Other than that, nothing much..they were nice enough to give us 3 breaks. Very boring/sleepy. But, I did manage to stay awake, except that my butt and my back was aching!

during break time

my number!

Before getting back my license, I was supposed to give the second speaker the yellow card in exchanged. But, I LOST IT!! It must've slipped out when I paid for my food. I was panicking like HELL!

When he called my name, I told him I wanted to go out to look for that card. But, he just smiled and said "Takpe, takpe..Kenapa? Hilang eyh?" (it's ok, it's ok. Why is it lost?). I said, "Ya..HILANG!"(Ya..LOST!) Being so calmed he said nevermind, I felt relieved but I assumed someone picked it up and passed it to him thank God! I did say "Sorry" before going back to my seat!, I'll just have to read the two books and hopefully pass the computer test:)

ps: photos are in quite bad quality since it was taken using my phone..but still, better than none!

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